Patti Wright

Strength and Encouragement for your Homeschool Journey

Hi! I’m Patti Wright.  Together with my husband, I homeschooled our eight children through high school. After 30 years of homeschooling, I hope to strengthen and encourage homeschool moms through coaching, writing, and speaking. I hope you will join me!

Patti Wright


What Has the Locust Eaten?

What Has the Locust Eaten?

The grasshopper came off the oriental grass that blows against my screened-in porch. Off and on for hours that day, I admired the grasshopper's underbelly as he sat attached to the screen. If I had known then what I know now, I would have flicked him off the minute I...

Child-Training: Expectations

Child-Training: Expectations

Grocery store trips were always a challenge back then. On this particular day, the worst part was crossing traffic between the store and the parking lot. Along with my cart full of groceries and three other children five and under, I maneuvered the cart with one hand...

Execute the Plan

Execute the Plan

We can have an excellent mission and a well thought-out strategy, but if we don’t execute that strategy, we are no further ahead. The execution, the actual carrying out, of your mission can be a grind.  I remember mine often was. My plan was neat and tidy, but there...

Develop a Strategy

Develop a Strategy

If you have taken the time to create a mission statement, congratulations!  Knowing where you’re headed is half the battle! Now it’s time to strategize. I feel like I should use the analogy of a target with bows and arrows and quivers and things, but since I have...

Decide on a Mission

Decide on a Mission

The day I brought our children home from school to homeschool them was not the day we decided on a mission or planned a strategy!  Beyond the, “I know I should homeschool our children,” and now starting to teach them to read, I did not know what I was doing! The...

My Story: How It All Began

My Story: How It All Began

Thirty years ago I found myself on my knees beside my side of the bed pleading for God’s direction. I had no idea how soon he would lead our family into a new 30-year journey. Our children were ages 5, 4, 1-½, and newborn.  My husband had just taken a traveling job...

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