Execute the Plan

Execute the Plan

We can have an excellent mission and a well thought-out strategy, but if we don’t execute that strategy, we are no further ahead. The execution, the actual carrying out, of your mission can be a grind.  I remember mine often was. My plan was neat and tidy, but there...
Develop a Strategy

Develop a Strategy

If you have taken the time to create a mission statement, congratulations!  Knowing where you’re headed is half the battle! Now it’s time to strategize. I feel like I should use the analogy of a target with bows and arrows and quivers and things, but since I have...
Decide on a Mission

Decide on a Mission

The day I brought our children home from school to homeschool them was not the day we decided on a mission or planned a strategy!  Beyond the, “I know I should homeschool our children,” and now starting to teach them to read, I did not know what I was doing! The...
My Story: How It All Began

My Story: How It All Began

Thirty years ago I found myself on my knees beside my side of the bed pleading for God’s direction. I had no idea how soon he would lead our family into a new 30-year journey. Our children were ages 5, 4, 1-½, and newborn.  My husband had just taken a traveling job...

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